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I've been thinking about how to help my clients who have had to put their biz on hold, and I thought of one thing that everyone can do right now, despite the pandemic. 

That thing is EXPOSURE through PR. Today I'd like to talk about the big PR myth, two of them actually.

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PR Myth One

First, you might think it's super hard to get PR. Well, it can be, but like anything else what you put your focus on grows. If you are waiting for them to find you, don't. It's kind of like waiting for prince charming. It's not impossible, but unlikely. Having a PR strategy activates your chances. It's like sending the prince an invitation to the ball rather than waiting for him to randomly find you frolicking in the forest. 

PR Myth Two

Second, you might think that once you get press it's your golden ticket to mega-sales. If you've been tweeted by the likes of Kim Kardashian, or Oprah shares you in her fav things- congrats, you are in it to win it. 

But if you're like the rest of us, PR is just one tool in your kit to help you gain visibility in a crowded market. 

According to Nielsen Research, it takes an average of 32 exposures to make a sale. That's a lot!!! 

How PR Works for Me

I use PR to GET IN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE'S AUDIENCES. I don't expect for sales to fly through the roof, but I do expect to hear potential clients say things like Hey, I saw you in a magazine and started following you on IG. Or, I heard you on my fav podcast and signed up for your email list.

That's how it works. PR should situate you as the expert in your field. It should help people get to know you so that by the time you make an offer, they already know, like and trust you.

You know I don't teach what I don't do myself, so below you'll see a few places I've been featured in last month. 

If gaining PR exposure is on your biz-to-do-list, I share the following to inspire you. Even if you are in total lock down, you can still make your own PR plan and get yo'self some exposure!

Where I've been recently featured

In the spring 2020 issue of Where Women Create Magazine, I share tips for creative entrepreneurial women on how to grow their email list. Notice on the second photo to the left, the title of this section is From the Expert. That's what ya want. 

My First Interview with a DUDE!

Now, you know I'm all about the PRETTY, but when Kevin Shabaar invited me to a talk about the UGLY side of my business I was ALL IN. I find it incredibly refreshing to hear about the real deal struggles of business, not just the fantasy of getting rich quick

I appreciate a good inspirational story of someone going from rock bottom to 7-figure boss in a straight upward slant, but let's be real- that is NOT my story. Mine is more like a long windy road of ups and downs. Wins and fails. I think this is more realistic and that's why I'm sharing my story here.

Two Features with Plan Simple

In this short interview with Mia Moran, I share how I've pivoted my biz during COVID 19. The result is that I'm doing better than ever in my biz. If you are worried about money, this might be a good time to see how you can pivot your own biz. 

This interview is a prequel to her next digital retreat, The Art of 90 Days Experience where I'm slated as the List Building Expert. Mia has gathered an amazing group of experts to help us visualize what we want and plan our next 90 days in a balanced way. Last time Mia offered a virtual retreat, I learned so much from the other speakers. I can’t wait to see who she has lined up this time!

Let's Get You Featured

Want more eyes on your biz? Pandemic or not, I've got a proven strategy that works. Book here for a 20 min PR power sesh and let's get you featured. 

xo Desha

Desha Peacock