Move Beyond Brain Fog

You're a smart, multi-passionate entrepreneur and you've achieved a lot already, but you know you could scale your biz if only you could create some digital streams of income. You’ve seen others do it, so you know it’s possible. 

Yet, there's so much chatter online on how to do it that you get lost in brain fog and overwhelm.

You need to move beyond brain fog and into inspired action.

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But hold on, what is BRAIN FOG?

It's when you have so many ideas floating around in your brain that it causes a foggy overwhelming feeling. Having ideas is a gift but when you have too many it can also be a curse. Decision making is hard. You don't know where to focus. You spread your energy across too many areas and the result is you don't see the results you'd hoped for.  

If you're not careful, you can literally wear yourself out.

4 steps to get out of brain fog

Step 1: Ask yourself these two simple questions:

  • What do I want to do?

  • Who do I want to do it with?

Let me give you an example for each of these. What I want to do is help women get into their sweet spot doing work they love. I work with smart, creative, ambitious female entrepreneurs.

If you can get clear on these two things you’re far ahead of the curve.

Step 2: Create an umbrella brand that can house your brand message.

For example, I’m a multi-passionate gal myself. It would be easy for me to scatter my attention all over the place. Instead, I created my umbrella brand: Sweet Spot Style. Under that brand, I have a specific brand message: create the biz + life you love.

Once you’re clear on what you want to do and who you want to do it with (step 1), coming up with an umbrella brand can help you expand, rather than narrow. I know you like that!

Step 3: Choose one area to focus on within your umbrella brand & take inspired action in that area until you see results.

Here’s the catch. You can do it all, but you can’t do it all at once. So, choose one thing to focus on first then once you gain momentum (or let’s be honest, make money) in that area, then you can add on another branch to your biz.

For example, I do many things, but right now I'm focused on helping women grow their creative businesses through digital strategy.

Step 4: Let the higher powers guide you from there.

The hardest thing for a multi-passionate creative entrepreneur to do is let go of an idea. You have to tell yourself that you’re not letting it go, but that you are simply choosing to focus on one or two things during a specific time period. I think focusing on one big goal over 90 days is a good start.

Let me share how this has worked in my business. When I first started my business, I had so many ideas. It was hard to know where to focus. In the beginning I knew that writing a book would help me gain exposure, so I devoted the first year to writing a book. I also took an online marketing program.

The next year I focused on PR for my book tour and started taking clients. By focusing on one big area at a time, I was slowly able to add different streams of income into my business.

focusing on one thing at a time has allowed me to:

  • Have a profitable business for the last 6.5 years

  • Publish 2 books

  • Lead nine international lux retreats

  • Serve hundreds of clients through online courses

  • Create lucrative VIP 1-1 offerings

  • Work from anywhere in the world 

​Most importantly- it's allowed me to be able to do work that I love... work that is creative, meaningful, LUCRATIVE, and that affords me the lifeSTYLE I desire while being there for my girl.

That means the world to me.

Here’s the deal: Success comes with clarity. Get clear on what you want. Take consistent action towards that goal for a set period of time. Focus on one or two areas of your biz until you have a very good handle on it, then you can move on to the next area.

Make sense?

Want more steps to help you grow your biz? Check out this FREE masterclass you will learn:

  • To validate your creative idea BEFORE spending endless hours and mucho dinero

  • How Margo used this method to clear $5000 in sales within 48hrs

  • The top mistake creatives make that keep them STUCK 

  • The #1 thing to focus on that most creatives don’t even have on their radar

Desha Peacock